Lightning Rod Man USA

501 N. Las Vegas Trail
Fort Worth, TX 76108

Seamus: 817-805-3467
Ed: 817-723-9417


Lightning is the phenomenon which accompanies the discharge of atmospheric charges from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth. As lightning seeks the path of least resistance, it naturally tends to follow the shortest course between cloud and earth such as buildings or towering projections. As illustrated positive electric charges gather in the clouds and negative charges gather in the ground. When the attraction between these two charges are strong enough they come together in the form of lightning. Lightning rod equipment, properly manufactured and installed, dissipates these charges.

Aluminum Vs Copper

Aluminum vs. Copper Lightning Systems: Aluminum is 25% cheaper than copper. Copper looks better with a darker color and shorter points. Copper will last longer, up to 100 years. Old style, high point antique rods are also available.

Antique Finishes

Aluminum vs. Copper Lightning Systems: Aluminum is 25% cheaper than copper. Copper looks better with a darker color and shorter points. Copper will last longer, up to 100 years. Old style, high point antique rods are also available.

Custom Made Points Available

Aluminum vs. Copper Lightning Systems: Aluminum is 25% cheaper than copper. Copper looks better with a darker color and shorter points. Copper will last longer, up to 100 years. Old style, high point antique rods are also available.

Tying Knots in Wires

Many technicians never tie knots in their wires and they should. Most young techs today have never heard of this, and that is why they do not add knots in the wires. Lightning cannot handle 90 degrees angle in any kind of metallic pathway. More times than not if there is no way that the potential of lightning can find a bi-pass, the wire will explode. That said, surge suppression can be that potential that creates that bi-pass. Read more here.